SC30 Virtaussuunnan merkintä | Flow direction marking
Available in thirteen different widths. Price is a starting price.
Multi-colour permutations tapes (acc. to ISO 14726:2008)
AS-10 Vinyl Tapes and Markers
Econimical solution for indoor and outdoor installations. Service temperature: ‑40°C to +80°C. Service lifetime: 3 - 8 years
Dedicated for indoor and outdoor use in areas with limited exposure to direct sunlight and difficult weather conditions. It offers fair durability, good flexibility and limited temperature resistance. Equipped with pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive and protective release liner. Recommended for newly installed pipes. It is our most economical solution for pipeline identification.
Durable vinyl (PVC) self-adhesive tapes make pipe content and flow information highly visible. Markers meet ISO 14726 standard.
Service temperature: -40°C to 80°C
Surface preparation: Yes
Mounting method: Self-adhesive
UV resistance: Good
Weather resistance: Very Good
Chemical resistance: Good
Sea water resistance: Yes
Reuse after removing: No
Service lifetime*: 3-8 years
* The actual lifetime of the markers depends on the particular conditions of use.
• fair resistance to weather conditions and UV rays
• economic and easy to use
• no minimum quantity
• custom production with any texts and graphics
• high quality acrylic adhesive
Pipemarking Tapes and Markers can be produced in accordance to the particular requirements of our customers. According to the request they can be designed to comply with one of the following regulations:
• ISO 14726:2008
• BS-1710 / BS-4800
• TRGS-201
Tapes and Markers can be printed in any language based on the translation provided by the customer.
Each pipe marker is dedicated for particular pipe diameter. Below table shows recommended markers dimensions for most popular nominal pipe sizes. Adjusted marker length is always followed by suitable font and arrow size.
There is a 30 mm overlap between the sizes in the brochure, however they do not consider any additional pipe coatings like insulations etc. The information about insulation thickness or other coating should be provided with other details necessary for the quotation. See the brochure.
Important: During application the tape should overlap 2-3 cm
According to the ISO 14726:2008 regulation the following advises shall be considered during the pipe markers and tapes installation:
• The markers should be installed within a distance of 3-5 meters of the length of the horizontal and straight pipelines, whereby the local conditions may require a more frequent marking due to pipe bends or the close proximity of pipes for different services.
• In case of the system valves the markers should be installed in a distance of approximately 75mm from the corresponding flange.
• The markers should appear at each penetration point in bulkheads, walls or decks.
• In areas with the piping system junctions the markers should be installed on each side of the junction.
• In case of the vertical piping system the markers should be applied on height of approximately 170cm to ensure good visibility at eye level of the observing persons.